Liron Kroll is an Israeli, London based, Visual Artist and Photographer, graduate of the RoyalCollege of Art. Her work focuses on patterns & trends in popular photography and theirconstructive iconic influence on the build-up of our collective consciousness. The uncannyphotomontages she creates depict isolated moments of acknowledgement and realization. HerImages are saturated with suggestion and feed off the tension and dissonance created by stagingmundane moments in life. The characters, those whom we see within the image and those whosepresence is only implied, exist in a state of constant conflict. This is emphasized by constructedenvironments, achieved using digital layering techniques.In her creation process, she dismantles and creates visual worlds, reassembling and building newrealism. One of her photomontages may include bits and pieces taken from hundreds of photos,taken at different times and places. Thereby the supposedly "photographic Image" is disconnectedfrom any standard anchors in time and space.

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What are your favorite Quotes ?
We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” – Seneca
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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