Hilla Ben Ari
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Hilla Ben Ari is a Tel Aviv-based multidisciplinary artist creating mainly in video, sculpture, installation and print. The central theme of her works is the female body, which serves as a metaphorical junction where private, social and political conventions, restrictions and constructs are fused together. Ben Ari has had solo exhibitions in central Israeli museums, such as Ticho House – The Israel Museum, the Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Museum of Art, Ein Harod. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions in leading museums and galleries both locally and abroad, including the Tel Aviv Museum of Art (Israel), the Orange County Museum of Art (California, U.S.), the MAXXI Museum - National Museum of 21st Century Art (Italy), and the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Taiwan) as part of the 2009 Asian Art Biennial. Ben Ari’s videos were exhibited in international festivals, including the Videonale 12 at the Bonn Museum of Art (Bonn, Germany), the 18th Japan Media Arts Festival at the National Art Center (Tokyo, Japan), Body + Camera Festival, Mana Contemporary (Chicago, U.S.), Optica - International Video Art Festival (Spain) and Loop Festival (Barcelona, Spain). Her works are featured in the collections of The Israel Museum, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, the Bundestag, Berlin and other public as well as private collections. Her works are featured in the collections of The Israel Museum, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, the Bundestag, Berlin and other public as well as private collections.

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